Get high quality Merch for your next event

Custom apparel and totebag giveaways are just some examples on how you can stand out on your next event/exhibition

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Partner logo : MCLaren Partner logo : Engel Volkers Partner logo : Bosch Partner logo : Huawei Partner logo : Microsoft Partner logo : Volvo Partner logo : Dominos Partner logo : Canva

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Success Stories

Simply arranged, without hassle for Novel-T

Together with Novel-T, we are maximising their brand reach by being visibly present at international company events.

Even in the middle of Helsinkis's tough winter, it was possible to make last minute requests and to have them fulfilled.

With items like custom apparel and backpacks, Novel-T was able to make their announcement a success and leave a lasting impact on the attendees.

An all-inclusive service and high quality products, anywhere and anytime.

To make impact at a unique event such as Slush you need a partner that goes the extra mile, specially during a blizzard.

⎯ Featured boxes

We make sure your brand will be seen

We understand that to create a great brand you need great and unique products. Our team has been actively customising products for over 20 years and knows how to stand out in any field.

Our commitment to quality goes hand in hand with our focus on sustainability. We believe in delivering high quality products without harming the planet.

That's why we strive for sustainable production methods, use environmentally friendly materials as much as we can and work with suppliers who share those same values.

The result we have in mind is to deliver products that team members will wear and use with pride. Not for one-time, but for long-term use. This way we can not only impress with our products today, but also contribute to a cleaner and healthier future tomorrow.

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