How a new product should be launched into orbit
Led by young entrepreneurs with a huge ambition, Engaige was one of the head-turners of CES2024.
With over 4300 exhibitors, CES Las Vegas is one of the largest exhibitions in the world. Being a small start-up, Engaige needed to draw the attention in a creative way.
The combination of cool designs and great quality merch made them stand out next to their ordinary neighbours.
After capturing the audience, they kicked-ass in their demo's and stole the show.
How a new product should be launched into orbit
Led by young entrepreneurs with a huge ambition, Engaige was one of the head-turners of CES2024.
With over 4300 exhibitors, CES Las Vegas is one of the largest exhibitions in the world. Being a small start-up, Engaige needed to draw the attention in a creative way.
The combination of cool designs and great quality merch made them stand out next to their ordinary neighbours.
After capturing the audience, they kicked-ass in their demo's and stole the show.